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Empowering Students for Christ

Christianity in Action

At WWVA, our goal is to provide each of our students the opportunity to be involved in some form of ministry and service. We offer an arrangement of mission and service opportunities in order for Christ to come alive in the lives of our students. 


Mission Trips

In addition to our regular community service projects, each year during spring break, students spend vacation time helping others. Mission service groups have traveled to places such as Africa, Arizona, Baja, California, Canada, Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica, Latvia, Mexico and Peru building churches and schools. Through these opportunities, each student can have the experience of serving God.


Church Worships

WWVA has several music groups suited to the varied musical interests of students. Among these groups are the Concert Band, Praise Ringers, String Orchestra and Choir. These groups present programs for various church, civic and school activities. These are weekend appointments with these groups.


Community Outreach

At WWVA we work to cultivate "change-makers," and we believe that that starts closest to home. That is why we incorporate regular community outreach and service into our academic program. Service can range from cleaning up our community, to helping with emergency flood-prevention to local family homes and praying for College Place community.


Campus Ministries

One of WWVA's goals is to give opportunities for student leadership, including our student leadership in campus ministries. Campus ministries members work to involve every student in spiritual programs at WWVA, bring worshipful events to our campus and serve as a reminder of God's love. 


300 SW Academy Way, College Place, WA, 99324


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