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Once a Knight, Always a Knight
Since WWVA's founding in 1886, WWVA's graduated over 5,000 students who have gone on to accomplish amazing things. To stay up to date on WWVA's happenings, reconnect with old friends and to become involved on our campus look below!

Alumni Weekend
October 17-19, 2025
Alumni Weekend 2024 was absolutely wonderful and we are already looking forward to Alumni Weekend 2025! We are counting down the days until our next weekend together on October 17-19, 2025. We hope to see as many members of our WWVA community present as possible, and that includes you!

Support our School
As someone who has attended WWVA, you know the reality of the private, Adventist education. There is always a student in need, a mission trip to be funded and an update to be made to our well-loved school. This year, our Alumni have committed to helping us raise funds to update our auditorium. To help us reach our goal, click on the button below.

Utilize Your Gifts for Good
We are always looking for committed volunteers who can be great examples to our students, and who better than another Knight! We would love welcome you to our helpful community of volunteers.
To learn more about our areas of need, please all 509-525-1050.
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